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The Anthony Fund

EST. 2021

10% of All Profits 

Donated to The Anthony Fund


The Anthony Fund was established in memory of Anthony Fimple as a tribute to his kind spirit, giving nature, and dedication to his community. Even though his life was cut short by violence, his example will live on through philanthropy in his name. Nature Conservancy, feeding/sheltering the homeless, and assisting elders were important to Anthony and will continue to be a priority through his fund. The Anthony Fund also donates to causes that support young people making a difference in their communities. If you have a cause that needs help, please email us!

Our Mission: To be a positive force for good in our community, and wherever else there is need.


Our Vision: A community where kindness is common, and the well-being of others is placed first.


Our Values:

  • Kindness

  • Integrity

  • Unity

  • Service

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